Saturday 30 April 2011

Something about Royal Wedding and else...

As we know, yesterday was The Big Day. The Royal Wedding day. Most people know that yesterday Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge has married with Catherine. By my own view it was quiet amazing to become a witness of future king and queen wedding (I hope they will become). It was like a fairytale that I listened or read when I was a child.

Friday 29 April 2011

Experience of Rugby...

Actually my thought of Rugby was quiet negative before I watch it by my own eyes. Like run for the ball, pull and push the player, and could get serious injury from it. But after I watched the British Universities and Colleges Rugby championship final on 27th of Apr at Twickenham Stadium (the home of England Rugby), my thought was changed...

Thursday 28 April 2011


Yesterday I had an exciting experience of rugby. I was watched The BUCS Championship Rugby Finals, which is UK's universities and colleges rugby championship, and it was very amazing. However I was supported the university that I'm going to get my diploma, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC) and unfortunately they were lost. I will post some pictures about this next time.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

This Week's New Music In UK (Releases: 25 April 2011)

I've been very busy last 2 days. I work in Tesco as a part time employee.
Ok on Monday quiet many singles have been released. But I liked only 3 of 'em.

Өчигдөр уржигдар хоёр нилээн сайн ажиллаа шүү. Дэлгүүрт ажиллахаас гадна agency-гаас намайг дуудаж галт тогоонд ажиллуулдаг юм. Тэндээ 2 өдөр бас ажилласан...За тэгээд өчигдөр нээлтээ хийсэн синглүүдээ танилцуулъя.

Friday 22 April 2011


Life is very unpredictable thing. It could be go anywhere. However, the steersman of the life is you... Therefore, choice is in your hand...

Art by: *latoday
Name: Letting Go

Thursday 21 April 2011

This Week's New Music In UK (Releases: 18 April 2011)

Ok here is the new musics that released in UK on this week. We have quiet many singles in here. But I don't wanna bore you by too many songs. I will just post some singles that I liked... If you don't agree some singles that are great just write some comments... That's one of the reason I'm bloging guys ;)... Lets change our thoughs...

Зиа тэгэхлээр энэ долоо хоногт Их Британийн зах зээлд шинээр нээлтээ хийсэн синглүүд гэх юм бол:

Tuesday 19 April 2011

About F1 Shanghai Grand Prix Winner.

I will write about new singles that released in UK on 18th of Apr on my next post. But before introduce new music, I should write about winner of Shanghai Grand Prix of F1. Hamilton has won the Grand Prix and he showed actual capacity of new tyre, which is Pirelli.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Formula 1...

Sport is one of the reason of healthy life. Moreover, discipline is important part of sports.
I'm a quiet big supporter of Formula 1 racing. I've started interesting this sport from 2007. 

3 сарын 25наас энэ жилийн Формула 1-ийн улирал эхэлсэн юм. Би өөрөө энэ спортыг ихээр сонирхдог хүний хувьд уралдаан болгоныг интернетээр таслахгүй үзхийг хичээдэг гэж байгаа. Харамсалтайн дэлхийн тодорхой улс болгонд тусдаа уралдаанууд болдог учираас цагийн зөрүү гэдэг асуудал тулгардаг. 

Friday 15 April 2011

London to Rome Part 2...

As said in previous post I'm going to present some pictures of Rome, that I shot. It will be more easier to express my feeling of Rome to you guys ;).

Зиа тэгэхлээр юун түрүүнд Ромоор аялсан эхний өдрөө би Ватикан орж үзсэн гэдгээ түрүүчийн нийтлэлд дэлгэрэнгүй дурьдсан билээ. Харин одоо илүү ойлгомжтой болгох үүднээс зурагтай нийтлэл хийе.

Юун түрүүнд Ватикан гэдэг хот улсын гол амин сүнс нь болсон барилга нь дээрхи зурган дээр харагдаж байна. Энэхүү барилгын нэр нь Гэгээн Петерийн сүм бөгөөд сүмийн дотор Петер гуайн бунхан байдаг юм байна лээ.

Thursday 14 April 2011

London to Rome...

Traveling is the way to know the world, cultures, and people by yourself. And also you might know or interpret yourself during your trip as well. It's very exciting challenge... I'm living, studying, and working in London. This place gives me much opportunity to travel some places that I like. For example, when I was a child I really wanted to travel to Paris. I have accomplished this task & recently traveled to Rome.

Би одоогоор Лондонд сурч хөдөлмөрлөж байгаа бөгөөд энэ зуураа, амралтаараа Европын холбооны зарим нэг улсуудын хотуудаар аялаад үзэх боломжууд надад олдсон юм. Ирээдүйд ч олдсоор байна байх.

Ноднин жилийн 11 сард би очхыг хүсдэг байсан Парисаар аялаад ирсэн билээ. Харин саяхан амралтаараа Италийн нийслэл, эртний Ромын эзэнт гүрний төв нь байсан Ром хотоор орчихоод ирлээ.

My Childhood...

I think, everybody accepts childhood is most precious time of life. So I'm going to write my childhood...
Ерөнхийдөө миний хүүхэд нас минь Улаанбаатар хотын маань 1-р 40мянгат хавиар өнгөрсөн л дөө... Манайх намайг бага байхад тэндхийн 44-р байранд байдаг байлаа. Их дэлгүүрийн урд талын 2 арктай байрны нэг хэсэг...

Wednesday 13 April 2011

This Week's New Music In UK (Releases: 11 April 2011)

Basically, each week I'll post new singles that released in UK. Most of them is not mainstream band's or artist's. Hence, people can listen and know those famous band or artists new singles from any information material. In other hand, it's harder to find new or downrated artists, bands singles. Therefore, as I said before, one of the main purpose of this blog is give information about new songs to my precious readers.

Зиа тэгэхлээр энэ долоо хоногт Их Британи улсын хөгжимийн зах зээлд шинээр нээлтээ хийж байгаа дуунуудаас танилцуулъя. Ер нь бол их олон сайхан дуунууд гарчээ...

Saturday 9 April 2011


Life has made from different kind of choices. Also impact of those choices are different and results are depends from the size. I'm going to write this post about my life and important choices that I have made in my life.
Хүний амьдрал асар олон сонголтуудын дунд өрнөж өнгөрдөг юм байна... Мөн тэрхүү сонголтууд нь хэмжээний хувьд амьдралыг өөрчилөх, хүмүүсийн хоорондох харьцааг өөрчилөх зэрэг том зүйлсээс авхуулаад одоо юу хийх вэ, юу худалдаж авах вэ гэх мэт жижиг сажиг асуудлуудыг хамарсан байдаг байна... Цаашлаад тэр хэмжээнээсээ хамаараад үр дүн нь ч өөр байх болно...

Friday 8 April 2011

This Week's New Music In UK (Releases: 4 April 2011)

So very first post of this blog should be music. Specially "New music". New music is my fuel of life. Without it my life would be like a dinner without salt. Therefore, I'm going to introduce new and special (by my own view) singles that have released in UK on 4th of Apr.

Purpose of this Blog...

First of all I'm the guy who loves music, sport, travel, book, and most importantly LIFE.
Basically I'm from Mongolia and studying in London at the moment. The reason why I'm creating this blog or purpose of this blog is, I want make a note about important sceneries of my life. Moreover, I would like to share information, perspectives, and the things that I've seen and learned before with other people.

I don't know how long I'll write. But I do know what to write...